忘了什么时候知道Adam Rafferty这个人的,大概好像是从看他翻弹杰克逊的歌开始的吧。。。手法处理的很细腻很细腻,很有自己的风格,更吸引人的是他那投入的表情。。想不跟着摇摆都难
If a picture paints a thousand words, — 倘若画能表达千言万语
then why can’t I paint you? — 为什么我画不出你?
The words will never show the you I’ve come to know. — 千言万语,也表达不出我了解的你
if a face could launch a thousand ships, — 如果我能登上千万条船远航
then where am I to go? — 那么我将去往何处?
There’s no one home but you, — 除了你,我别无归属
You’re all that’s left me to. — 你就是我仅有的一切
And when my love for life is running dry, — 当我对生活的热情燃尽
you come and pour yourself on me. — 你来到将自己融进我的世界
If a man could be two places at one time, — 如果一个人能分身两地
I’d be with you.我也只愿和你依偎
Tommorrow and today, — 一个在今时,一个在将来
beside you all the way. 都要与你厮守
If the world should stop revolving — 倘若世界停止了转动
spinning slowly down to die, — 等待着毁灭
I’d spend the end with you. — 我将与你共度末日
And when the world was through, — 当一切都成了灰烬
Then one by one the stars would all go out, — 星辰一颗颗地陨落
then you and I would simply fly away — 我们将一起远走高飞